Spare Parts, OEM Parts, Remanufactured Parts, Aftermarket Parts…….
The definition of “spare parts” is not as crystal clear as you may think. Searching for these online yields results such as OEM parts, aftermarket parts, remanufactured parts, and used parts. “Spare parts are indispensable for repairing your equipment or keeping it well maintained, but an awareness of the specifics of each type will empower you to make the right decisions on what or what not to buy - and from whom,” said Robert Marshall, MD of Marshall’s Industrial, an official UK distributor for leading brands such as Hyundai industrial engines, (formerly Doosan), Volkswagen legacy industrial engine parts & Impco Gaseous fuel systems.
Let’s start at the lower end of the scale quality-wise, with used parts. They may be the cheapest option but should be avoided for your valued equipment due to their potentially flawed operation and limited lifespan. At best they may be suited for short term use for absolutely non-critical components, but they may have limited warranties – or none at all.
Aftermarket parts generally come from third party manufacturers and are sometimes cheaper than genuine OEM parts but are not always made to the same tolerances or been tested to the same standards as OEM and therefore may not be as durable or reliable. So this can be a false economy that can set you up for additional problems further down the line. Remanufactured parts have been reconditioned to meet OEM specifications and again cost less than OEM parts, but may not be easily available depending on your equipment.
This brings us to the gold standard – genuine approved OEM spare parts, which offer the highest level of quality and reliability, are built to tight tolerances ensuring first time fit every time and efficient operation. When you are dealing with valuable and major components such as industrial engines, considering cutting corners with any of the cheaper and inferior options is just not worth the risk.
“When you invest in genuine OEM parts you are investing in quality, performance, warranty compliance and lower TCO, as well as safeguarding the integrity of your industrial equipment, ” said Robert Marshall. “Nowadays it is even more important than ever to know and trust your supplier due to the proliferation of non-legitimate vendors on e-commerce sites who are trading in counterfeit and potentially dangerous products. Working with our team you can be sure that you are getting genuine verified parts as well as the expertise and after sales care that comes from decades of industry experience.”
Logistics Matters Magazine